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Email: huangsb@yangtzeu.edu.cn;    QQ: 20439797


2012年毕业于中国地质大学(武汉) 获博士学位;



为《Water research》、《Environmental science and technology》、《Journal of hydrology》、《Science of the total environment》、《Applied geochemistry》等国际期刊审稿人。


1.博士启动基金 2020-2022 10 万,负责人

 2.河北省自然科学基金项目2018-2020 (D2018504005) :《降雨作用下盐碱化农田土壤有机质的迁移变化研究》;6万元,负责人

 3.国家自然科学青年基金2014.01-2016.12 (41302187) :高砷含水层沉积物溶解性有机质降解行为及对砷活化影响机制;27万,负责人

 4.中国博士后基金面上项目2014.01-2015.12 (2014M552105) :地下水系统溶解性有机质降解及水化学环境效应;5 万,负责人

 5.中央级公益性科研院所科研业务费项目2014.01-2015.12 (SK201412) :高砷地下水含水层沉积物溶解性有机质降解及对砷迁移转换影响;80万,负责人

 6.中央级公益性科研院所科研业务费项目2015-2016(YYWF201503) :《湖相沉积地下水含水系统有机物生物活化过程实验观测》、25万元,负责人

 7.中央级公益性科研院所科研业务费项目2013.01-2015.12 (SK201303) :有机污染地下水氧化还原地球化学及氯代烃降解;47万,负责人

 8.中国地质调查局工作项目2013.01-2013.12  (12120113102700) :氯代烃芳香烃复合污染场地调查评价与修复技术研究;300万,副负责人

 9.吴桥市水务局2012.09-2013.12 (Q201230) :某化工厂及坑塘污染调查及对拟建水库风险评价;90万,副负责人.


1.Zhaoxin Su, Shuangbing Huang*, Wenlong Gu, et al. Spectroscopy, quality variations, and chemical release characteristics of dissolved organic matter extracted from soil of a wheat field at the North China Plain. Environmental Earth Sciences, 2019, 78(14): 414. SCI

2.Wenlong Gu, Shuangbing Huang*, Shan Lei, et al. Quantity and quality variations of dissolved organic matter (DOM) in column leaching process from agricultural soil: Hydrochemical effects and DOM fractionation. Science of the Total Environment, 2019, 691: 407-416. SCI

3.Lei Tong, Liting Qin, Cong Xie, Hui Liu, Yanxin Wang*, Chuan Guan, Shuangbing Huang. Distribution of antibiotics in alluvial sediment near animal breeding areas at the Jianghan Plain, Central China. Chemosphere, 2017, 186:100-107. SCI

4.Shanyun Wang, Dirk Radny, Shuangbing Huang, et al. Nitrogen loss by anaerobic ammonium oxidation in unconfined aquifer soils. Scientific reports ,2017,7: 40173. SCI

5.Shuangbing Huang*, Yanxin Wang*, Teng Ma, et al. Fluorescence spectroscopy reveals accompanying occurrence of ammonium with fulvic acid-like organic matter in a fluvio-lacustrine aquifer of Jianhan Plain. Environmental Science and pollution Research, 2016,23(9):8508-8517. SCI

6.Shuangbing Huang*, Yanxin Wang*, Teng Ma, et al. Linking groundwater dissolved organic matter to sedimentary organic matter from a fluvio-lacustrine aquifer at Jianghan Plain, China by EEM-PARAFAC and hydrochemical analyses. Science of the Total Environment, 2015,529(0): 131-139. SCI

7.Shuangbing Huang*, Zhantao Han*, Long Zhao, et al. Hydrochemistry Indicating Groundwater Contamination and the Potential Fate of Chlorohydrocarbons in Combined Polluted Groundwater: A Case Study at a Contamination Site in North China. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 2015, 94(5): 589-597. SCI

8.Kunfu Pi, Yanxin Wang, Xianjun Xie, Shuangbing Huang, et al. Geochemical effects of dissolved organic matter biodegradation on arsenic transport in groundwater systems. Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 2015,149(0): 8-21. SCI

9.Shuangbing Huang, Changrong Liu, Yanxin Wang*, et al. Multivariate analysis of the heterogeneous geochemical processes controlling arsenic enrichment in a shallow groundwater system. Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part A, 2014,49(4): 478-489.SCI

10.Lei Tong, Shuangbing Huang, Yanxin Wang*, et al. Occurrence of antibiotics in the aquatic environment of Jianghan Plain, central China. Science of the Total Environment, 2014, 497-498:180-187. SCI

11.Shuangbing Huang, Xiao Li, Yanxin Wang*. A new model of geo-environmental impact assessment of mining: a multiple-criteria assessment method integrating Fuzzy-AHP with fuzzy synthetic ranking. Environment Earth Science, 2012,66 (1): 275-284. SCI

12.Shuangbing Huang, Yanxin Wang*, Ling Cao, et al. Multidimensional spectrofluorometry characterization of dissolved organic matter in arsenic-contaminated shallow groundwater. Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part A, 2012,47 (10): 1446-1454. SCI

13.岳钧,黄爽兵* . 江汉平原中部浅层地下水中氨氮的有机质来源探究.地球与环境,2020)中文核心 (通讯作者).


15.王妍妍,黄爽兵*,赵龙,易卿. 江汉平原沙湖地区浅层含水层第四纪沉积环境演化. 地球科学, 2017,42(5):751-760. EI

16. 王程,韩双宝,张福存,文冬光,武强,郑焰,王焰新,任妹娟,姚秀菊,吕琳,安永会,黄爽兵,张梦楠.银北平原浅层高砷地下水砷富集水化学特征研究[J]. 地质与资源, 2017(4).

17.王平,黄爽兵,韩占涛,马丽莎,张威.基于溶质运移模拟的某化工场地污染物对拟建水库污染风险预测[J]. 现代地质, 2015(2):307-315.

18.赵龙,韩占涛,孔祥科,黄爽兵,李玉梅.直接推进钻探技术在污染场地调查中的应用进展[J]. 南水北调与水利科技, 2014(2):107-110.

19.黄爽兵,韩占涛,赵龙,孔祥科.某污染场地地下水氯代烃污染特征及水化学指示意义[C]/ 2014中国环境科学学会学术年会.

20. 刘昌蓉,黄爽兵.新建矿山地质环境影响评价理论与方法[C]// 2014中国环境科学学会学术年会.

21.孔祥科,马骏,韩占涛,黄爽兵,王平,赵龙.直接推进技术在有机污染场地调查中的应用研究 [J]. 水文地质工程地质, 2014, 041(003):115-119.

22.刘昌蓉,张礼中,黄爽兵*.川西北某县域土地生态环境质量评价[J]. 南水北调与水利科技, 2013(05):47-51.

23.黄爽兵,王焰新*,刘昌蓉,曹菱,韩占涛,皮坤福.含水层中砷活化迁移的水化学与DOM三维荧光证据[J]. 地球科学(中国地质大学学报), 2013(05):188-195. EI

24.黄爽兵*.地下水中溶解性有机物吸收光谱模型的对比研究[J]. 南水北调与水利科技, 2012(06):92-96.

25.黄爽兵.砷污染地下水中溶解性有机物的荧光光谱学研究[C]// 第六届海峡两岸土壤和地下水污染与整治研讨会. 2012.

26.黄爽兵,王焰新*,曹菱,王程,余梅,皮坤福,贾陈忠.包气带土壤DOM三维荧光表征及对砷污染的指示意义[J]. 地球科学-中国地质大学学报, 2012, 37(3):605-611. EI

27.黄爽兵,Emilie Even,王焰新.高砷含水层沉积物矿物学特征及砷的活化[J]. 矿物岩石,2012,04:7-11.

28.黄爽兵. NH4+ occurrence in subsurface aquifer: to assess the association of NH4-N with OMs in aquifers of Jianghan Plain, China.国际会议口头报告,2016年国际水文地质大会(43rd IAH), 法国

29. 黄爽兵. 淋溶下土壤有机质数量与质量变化.国内会议口头报告, 2019地下水污染与防治技术与方法会议




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